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Find out what we are about, see our new prospectus here

We have spaces in most year groups including the current Reception class. Contact the school and book a tour now if you are interested. Email info@bilingualprimaryschool.org.uk or call 01273916212

If you are interested in place for your child in Reception next school year, see our admissions page for more information

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Contact Us

The School Office is open from 8am-4pm Monday - Friday

Tel: 01273 916212 
Email: info@bilingualprimaryschool.org.uk 

Bilingual Primary School 
The Droveway

For enquiries for any member of staff please use main school contact details as above. 

Headteacher: Simon King

Deputy Head, & designated person for child protection:  Jon Bateman

Assistant Headteachers: Ele Cooper (Reception & Year 1), Sophie Ricca-McCarthy (Year 2 to Year 4) & Leanne Naverro (Year 5 & Year 6)

Senco & Assistant Headteacher: Cat Lane senco@bilingualprimaryschool.org.uk

School Business Manager: Elaine Meredith

Site Manager: Dave Muscato

Co Chair of Governors:  Emma Creed & Mickey Sandall

Clerk to Governors: Helen Haskew

Travel Plan Coordinator: TBC

Curriculum information: Jon Bateman

The Bilingual Primary School is very conveniently located in Hove Park.

You can access the school via public transport as well as walking or cycling.

The train station is a 15 minute walk from the school. For train times please visit www.nationalrail.co.uk with Hove as your destination.

The school is equally accessible via bus: www.buses.co.uk. Please see our walking map for directions.

Please note there is no parking at the school site and no vehicle access via the Droveway.

High resolution 14BPS Sign

Instagram: @bilingualprimaryschoolhove

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