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Find out what we are about, see our new prospectus here

We have spaces in most year groups including the current Reception class. Contact the school and book a tour now if you are interested. Email info@bilingualprimaryschool.org.uk or call 01273916212

If you are interested in place for your child in Reception next school year, see our admissions page for more information

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EYFS Vision Statement


The Reception team at the Bilingual Primary School deliver an inclusive curriculum following our 50/50% Spanish and English model. We value the development of the whole child; supporting, challenging and scaffolding the children through their individual learning journeys. We believe in providing a nurturing environment which will enable each child to feel content, secure and confident and allow them to achieve their full potential. We aim to ignite children’s enthusiasm for learning, offering an engaging, exciting range of activities and experiences inspired by the children’s interests. Within our bilingual curriculum, children develop their Spanish language skills in a natural and fun way, exploring the language within everyday activities.

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What to expect, when...

Foundation Years Logo(2)

Please find attached a booklet published by '4children' and supported by the Department for Education entitled 'What to expect, when? A parents' guide'.

The purpose of the booklet is to help parents/carers find out more about how their child is learning and developing during their first five years, in relation to the Early Years Foundation Stage and focusing on the seven areas of learning and development. There are helpful ideas about how to support your child's learning at home during their Reception year which we hope you'll find useful!

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