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School Council 2023/2024

What is the School Council?

The school Council at BPS is made up of 18 individual representatives from each class from Years 1-6.  We meet every 6 weeks to discuss issues related to the school and to help share students’ ideas, interests and concerns with members of staff.  Pupils are actively involved in the decision making process in school, influence school life and take on projects that support the children's learning and development, such as organising and publicising charity fundraising.

What makes a good school councillor?

You need to be a good listener!  Your role will involve collecting ideas and recommendations from your class members and feeding this back to the council. You will need to be a good team player and encourage other children to be aware of the school environment and care and respect it.

What is the School Council for?

Acting as representatives of their classmates when discussing school issues and aspects of school life.  Each year, there is a particular focus for the council.

Last year, the school council worked on the following areas:

  • Representatives from the school council chose which games and activities would be available in the playground for break and lunchtime.  They elected to have a quiet area for reading and games, to have a basketball court and the three table tennis tables.  Both the children and staff have commented on how much this has improved behaviour and made break times more enjoyable.
  • Last year, the school council were presented with a choice of library designs from different companies and chose their favourite.
  • Pupil voice.  Each term, the school council canvasses their class on the issues they think have improved and are working well and the areas which need improving.  They meet with the Head Teacher to discuss their ideas?
  • Leading fundraising events through the year (children in Need in November, organising the Christmas jumper appeal for Save the Children and Comic Relief Red Nose day in March)

This Year!

The current school council’s focus is on continuing the improvement of the school playground using the ideas from all children and choosing a wide range of non-fiction books for the library as well as all the charity fundraising.

How are School Council members elected?

At the beginning of the school year, all previous school counsellors explain what they have been doing in a school assembly.  They talk about the impact they have had on the school and why it is an important and responsible role.  Following the assembly, each class votes for a school councillor to represent them.  Children who are interested in becoming a school councillor are given the opportunity to present themselves to the class, explain why they would be a good choice and outline their ideas on how the school is run.  This is in line with the school’s PSHE focus on the democratic process. Before the end of September, each class then democratically votes for a councillor.

What is the plan for 2023-2024?

Next year, the school council will:

  • Start with a pupil voice to highlight the areas the children would like to see improvements in, what is working well and which areas could be improved.
  • Train school councillors to represent the class/school when children and/or adults are visiting the school.  They will decide on important information that needs to be given to new children and with visitors to the classroom, represent the school and explain current learning.
  • Responsible for choosing wet play games and activities. 

Eco Council 2022/2023

The Eco-council supports the whole school in developing their knowledge and environmental awareness. The committee are made up of children from each class from Year 1 up until Year 6.

The children will meet regularly to discuss various key topics such as: marine, biodiversity, energy, litter, waste, water, school grounds, healthy living, transport, and global citizenship. The children will choose three key areas that as a school we will focus on.

We hope to gain a Bronze award for the school next year, so watch this space!

Los embajadores de Español

The Spanish ambassadors meet weekly to discuss and implement strategies to encourage Spanish around the school. 

Spanish Ambassadors are elected by each class in September and work with Señorita Melanie to help promote Spanish around the school, encouraging children and staff to speak Spanish. 

The Spanish Ambassadors participate in activities such as leading the singing of Spanish songs in Spanish assemblies and supporting teachers with Spanish activities in class. Spanish Ambassadors also encourage children in their classes and select one child every week to reward them with a sticker for making an extra effort in speaking Spanish around the school.

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