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Following guidance from the DFE, The Bilingual Primary School are proud to incorporate RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) into our curriculum.  The Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) guidance is now statutory and schools are required to teach the new material from September 2020.  We will be offering our Relationships and Sex Education in line with the new, statutory guidance.

We have reviewed our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) curriculum and policy to ensure that it complies with guidance and is appropriate for the children at our school.

If you have any questions and/or concerns about the RSE curriculum, please email your class teacher in the first instance. 

There will be parent briefings in the Summer Term, prior to the delivery of these lessons. Thank you.


The RSE lessons will take place over the Summer Term. The key learning questions for each year group are shown in the grid attached.  In addition, every year group will also be learning some key protective behaviour messages in our Feeling Good Feeling Safe topic which will include:

- understanding safe and unsafe feelings,

-understanding our early warning signs and staying safe,

- secrets and worries- when to tell

- networks of support and asking for help.

The lessons we are delivering have been developed by Brighton & Hove City Council in partnership with schools and local charity Safety Net and using national guidance. The lessons will be adapted to meet pupils’ needs and our teachers have received training.

Parents and carers have the right to withdraw from the Sex Education elements (shown in yellow in the grid attached), however please note that the Relationships Education is now compulsory.   Should you wish to withdraw your child, requests should be made in writing to the Head or RSE coordinator as explained in the policy. 

At The Bilingual Primary School, we think this is important learning to keep our children safe and to support them to develop skills, knowledge and understanding that they need now and in the future. These are some reasons why children in Brighton and Hove think this learning is important:

 “It teaches you how to be when you are grown up. It helps you know how to react to

things that might happen to you when you are older.”

“In case you need to talk to someone about your private/personal parts and you don’t know

the real names.”

“You might think you’re the only one going through this [if you didn’t have these lessons]”

“It keeps you safe so you don’t get scared and you are ready to go through puberty.”

PowerPoints which explains our curriculum in more detail are available to review on the school website and a curriculum map is attached below.


Overview of BPS Relationships & Sex Education Curriculum for Reception to Y6   

Non-statutory (sex education) elements (in bold)

Year group

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4


What can we do to look after our bodies?

Can you label all the parts of our bodies including personal and private parts?

What do we need to grow up healthy?

Why do we need friends?

How can we look after ourselves and our bodies at school?



What makes a family?

How do babies grow into children?

What keeps our bodies healthy as we grow?

Can you label all the parts of the bodies including personal and private parts?

How do we keep our bodies safe?



Are any two bodies the same size and shape?

What do we love about our bodies?

Why is it wrong to tease someone about how they look?

Why are there differences between most girls’ and most boys’ bodies?

Why do all animals including humans have male and female body parts?

What makes a good friend?
Does it matter if our friends are boys or girls?

Is there more than one way to be a boy or a girl?



What are the names of female and male personal and private body parts and what do they do?  Do bodies come in all shapes and sizes?

How can we feel good about ourselves?

Should we all look the same?

How do I pick myself up if I feel down?

What is a family?

Are all families the same?

How do families change?

What is a healthy relationship?

When does friendship feel good?



What happens to my body as I grow and change from a child to a grown up?


How do the changes at puberty affect how young people might feel?


What friendship skills will I need as I grow and change?

How can I keep healthy and safe as I grow and change?

How do human babies begin?


What are the different ways that families begin?


What causes embarrassment?

How can we manage the ups and downs in friendships?

Why is trust important in friendships?

What does puberty mean?


How do children grow and change into young adults?


What is puberty like for most girls and most boys?

What is exciting about growing up?
How can we grow confidence to talk about puberty and ask questions?

What do young people need to do to look after themselves during puberty ?(hygiene)

6 Optional Puberty revision lesson:

What do you know about the changes at puberty for most girls and most boys?

How do you feel about puberty?

What questions do you have?

What is body image?

How do images in the media affect how we feel about ourselves?


When do friendships feel positive online and face to face?

How can I stay safe online?


 How can I stay safe online? What is safe to share online?

How can I find out information about growing up safely?

What is the difference between a grown up relationships and friendship?

How do human babies start?

How are human babies born?



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