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Find out what we are about, see our new prospectus here

We have spaces in most year groups including the current Reception class. Contact the school and book a tour now if you are interested. Email info@bilingualprimaryschool.org.uk or call 01273916212

If you are interested in place for your child in Reception next school year, see our admissions page for more information

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School Meal Information

Kitchen Staff
Food 5

Update: The price of our school meals are increasing to £2.70 from September 2024. Please book through Innovate in the normal way.

Benefit Related Free School Meals

You may be entitled to free school meals – you can apply through Brighton and Hove City Council. Please click on the link for further information. https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/content/children-and-education/schools/free-school-meals

Lunch time

Online School Meal Ordering System

Innovate Services is on-line preorder service for school meals. They believe in creating healthy meals which inspire pupils and helps them concentrate at schools to get the very best from their education.

Please use the portal  to order a choice of hot meals for your children. Order up to midnight Saturday for the week ahead, or order a whole term in advance

Food 2

Please go to:

https://innovate2020.cashlessschool.co.uk/ and follow the guide below to register.

If you are eligible for free school meals, either universal free school meals (Reception, Year 1 or Year 2), or benefit related free school meals please tick the box upon registering your child.


If your child has allergies, please inform Innovate by emailing primary@impactfood.co.uk  Please see below for more information. 

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Lunch Menu from April 2024

Week 1Week 2Week 3

Packed Lunches from Home

BPS recognises that our children come from diverse home backgrounds, cultures and ethnic and faith groups. Our school aims to meet the needs of all children and ensure equality of provision whilst taking account of this diversity and difference. We will provide a safe, healthy and appealing eating environment for pupils eating snacks and packed lunches, and ensure fresh drinking water is available at all times. We will encourage all pupils to eat and drink as much of their lunch as possible. As fridge space is not available in school parents are advised to send in packed lunches in a cooler bag or food that does not require refrigeration.

Children not wishing to have a school dinner must bring a packed lunch. We ask parents and carers not to include chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks in their children’s packed lunch on the recommendation of the Community Dental Service.

Allergies: Nuts and nut products (e.g. peanut butter, cereal bars with nuts, pesto) should never be sent to school because of allergy concerns. Neither are children allowed to share food items for this same reason. If any item is found with nuts then it will be taken from the child and we will contact you.

Water: It has been recognised that children’s concentration and behaviour improves when children drink water throughout the day. Dehydration can give children headaches and make them tired. Therefore, we encourage all pupils to bring a plastic bottle of water to school each day. This will allow children to have access to fresh drinking water throughout each day

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