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Find out what we are about, see our new prospectus here

We have spaces in most year groups including the current Reception class. Contact the school and book a tour now if you are interested. Email info@bilingualprimaryschool.org.uk or call 01273916212

If you are interested in place for your child in Reception next school year, see our admissions page for more information

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Vision and Values

Love of Learning

Our vision for the Bilingual Primary School, Brighton & Hove, is to be at the leading edge of bilingual education in the UK

We aim to immerse children in a second language to stimulate and promote dual language communication, and in doing so enrich and expand their academic, cultural and social worlds.

We will do this by:

  • offering the opportunity to all children to learn with us through an exciting programme of English and Spanish
  • providing the very best of British education through a distinctive enquiry-based curriculum that has two fundamental dimensions- a global perspective and challenge
  • underpinning the curriculum and all areas of school life with the principles of curiosity, collaboration, perseverance and autonomy
  • situating the teaching and learning within the National Curriculum
  • encouraging ambition and confidence in all our children

School Values

We developed a set of 10 core values after consultation with pupils, staff, parents and governors.

En Español:

En Espanol

In English:


Inclusive Education

We believe passionately in inclusive education at BPS and this is expressed in the first bullet point of our vision: ‘offering the opportunity to all children to learn with us through an exciting programme of English and Spanish’

You will find information about our Special Education need provision and Equalities objectives elsewhere on the website.

We aim for an inclusive approach to run through all that we do. Here are some specific areas and examples:

  • Admissions: Our admissions policy includes a random selection which aims to give the same opportunity to children across the city to access the school. We also do not discriminate on the basis of previous language acquisition or on any other grounds for entry to our school at any stage.
  • Uniform: We make efforts to be inclusive in the use of uniform to meet a wide range of needs and our PTA support us in being kind to the environment and family finances by running regular second hand uniform sales.
  • Economic disadvantage: We want all children to be able to access all aspects of school life and strive to ensure no differences are highlighted due to their families’ financial or other circumstances. We take part in the local Poverty Proofing initiative championed by Brighton and Hove CC, ‘which aims to ensure that ‘no activity or planned activity in school should identify, exclude, treat differently or make assumptions about those with less financial resource.’’*

    *BHCC Poverty Proofing statement



We worked together as a staff team to develop the following principles based on pour shared beliefs about teaching and learning:


At BPS we use formative and summative assessments so that learners and teachers have a clear understanding of progress and next steps enabling us to refine learning, pedagogy and curriculum.


At BPS learners are grouped flexibly in a variety of ways because we place a high value on diversity and inclusivity, and want children to all have the experience of working with others without limiting their opportunities.


At BPS we foster respectful behaviour and relationships between all pupils, staff and the environment by consistently using extrinsic motivators and modelling, holding high expectations for all, so that children develop intrinsic motivation and become positive, successful and happy members of society.


At BPS we provide timely feedback on learning so that learners know what they have done well and what their next steps are, motivating and equipping them to make progress.


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