Hove Partnership

Our Core Offer
There are eleven schools in our partnership. We are committed to ensuring they very best education for all our children and young people and recognize that our moral purpose extends beyond our own school gates. We share accountability for what happens in our schools, and challenging each other within the safe and trusting ethos that we have created.
Any child attending a school within the Hove Partnership of Schools will have access to good and outstanding teaching, learning and leadership.
Our Core Aims
- To ensure consistent quality first teaching so that all learners make good or better progress from their starting points
- To raise aspirations, expectations and achievement of all learners
- To develop effective leaders at all levels
- To stay abreast of educational change and manage change effectively
Our Working Protocols
- Senior Leaders (Heads, Deputies, Heads of School etc.) will provide strategic leadership for all the work of the partnership an will meet at least half termly
- A Chair will be appointed annually and other key tasks delegated to named Headteachers
- Priorities will be agreed annually and different schools will take responsibility for leading a priority area. They will be responsible for feeding back to the group and ensuring that every priority/project:
- has measurable outcomes
- provides cross phase working
- has identified project leaders
- is carefully costed and agreement reached as to how costs are to be met. Project/priority leader’s schools will be responsible for the spending and accounting of any allocated funding
- Partnership funds will be managed by one school who will provide an update to the group termly
- All schools will contribute to the partnership budget annually. The formula used will be based on pupil numbers. The strategic team will agree if any school is to be exempt from payment due to budgetary constraints
- Individual school data will be openly shared/used, in particular to support the evaluation impact of projects and initiatives
- Other groups/schools/partners may be invited to participate in Hove Partnership projects or activities
- All schools are committed to ensuring regular and prompt attendance and employ appropriate personnel to monitor and improve attendance
- Any school who chooses not to participate in any activity/initiative may not withdraw funding from the partnership
- Chairs of Governors will receive copies of the minutes of all strategic team meetings and all governors will be invited to engage in a programme of training and support throughout the academic year