We have designed the following procedures to ensure children are given the opportunity to explore and practise statutory spelling patterns and to help them develop an interest in and curiosity about spelling conventions. This will help children become confident spellers able to tackle the spelling of new words. We are aware that the range of learning differences will mean that some children will find this more challenging and they can be creative, interesting, engaging writers whatever their ability.
- The statutory requirements linked to phonics and spelling rules and patterns.
In reception and Y1 spelling conventions will be taught during daily phonics sessions helping children to make the link between reading and spelling. From Y2 onwards it will take place through a variety of engaging and interactive strategies.

In reception and Y1 spelling conventions will be taught during daily phonics sessions helping children to make the link between reading and spelling. From Y2 onwards it will take place through a variety of engaging and interactive strategies.
We will assess the children termly against the spelling patterns for their year group (October, February and June). Teachers will use these assessments to plan groupings and interventions.
- The exception/ statutory word lists – Y1-Y4
Exception words are those which do not follow spelling patterns or rules and that children must just learn ‘by heart’. We will include these words in our day to day teaching and test these with the children at the end of every term.
The lists of these words are in the curriculum section under each year group and your help will be really valuable in providing the opportunities for regular practice. Some ideas of how to help your child are on the accompanying 'Spelling stategies' document at the bottom of this page. -
Results of the assessments and tests will be shared individually with a child (never in front of the whole class) with everyone challenged to try and improve on their own previous score. Our knowledge of each child will be really important so that success is celebrated at an individual level.
National Curriculum Tests: Children will be formally tested in spelling in Y2 and Y6 through the Statutory Assessment Tasks (SATs) and through the phonics screening in Y1.
You can find the national Curriculum documents at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/
And, as always, please make an appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher if you have any questions or would like to discuss spelling further.