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Find out what we are about, see our new prospectus here

We have spaces in most year groups including the current Reception class. Contact the school and book a tour now if you are interested. Email info@bilingualprimaryschool.org.uk or call 01273916212

If you are interested in place for your child in Reception next school year, see our admissions page for more information

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At the Bilingual Primary school, we are committed to ensuring our curriculum covers the same breadth and depth of learning across all curriculum areas in the National Curriculum, while maintaining a 50/50 balance between learning in English and Spanish. Our curriculum is carefully mapped out to ensure progression in learning of key concepts and skills in each subject area as our pupils progress through the school. 

Where we depart from the national curriculum is in the learning of Spanish which we treat as a core subject. We have developed our own curriculum for the learning of Spanish taught through daily Spanish literacy lessons and supported by language development through the wider curriculum and other elements of school life.

Some subjects are taught exclusively in English, such as Mathematics and the English curriculum, others are taught predominately through Spanish, such as Music, Art, Design and Technology and PE, while others are taught mostly in Spanish, with selected topics taught through english to ensure a balance in language and deep understanding of the core content.

We have developed the curriculum and teaching of subjects through Spanish to ensure that understanding and the acquisition of skills is paramount, carefully focussing on the fundamentals in each subject area and reinforcing learning through a balance of visuals, clear modelling and hands-on learning. By embracing this challenge, our subject leaders and teachers develop an even more refined subject knowledge to ensure teaching is memorable and significant across the curriculum.

We continuously review and improve our curriculum with dedicated leaders in each curriculum area. This includes engaging with national subject specific organisations while selecting and adapting rigorous programmes to ensure consistency and coherence in learning across the school.

Our termly topics are: 


As part of the new curriculum, supported by International Primary Curriculum, we have outlined the overviews of the topics for Years 1 to 6. Please see the documents below for more information about our exciting new topics: 

Below are also the links for specific subject areas. We will be adding to this over the coming year to provide more information for our community on our unique curriculum:

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